The following CLC alumni are recipients of the Corporate College Smart 50 Awards. They are being recognized for, “their talent to effectively build and lead innovative and ‘smart’ organizations.”
- Kevin Adelstein (LC 2017)
- India Birdsong (LC 2022)
- Robin Doerschuk (CBB 2015)
- Deb Donley (LC 2007)
- William Gary (LC 2017)
- Christopher Gorman (LC 2003)
- Greg Harris (LC 2010)
- David Heller (LC 2020)
- Dr. Claude L. Jones (LC 2022)
- Ariane Kirkpatrick (LC2 2016, LC 2015)
- Chris Knestrick (LC 2021)
- Patrick Pastore (LC 2011)
- India Pierce Lee (ALI 2018, LC 2002)
- Eddie Taylor (LC 2000)
- Daniel Walsh (LC 2011)
- Brian Zimmerman (LC2 2014, LC2 2012, LC 2011)