Our evaluation work
Cleveland Leadership Center program curricula are designed to achieve the four clearly defined guiding framework outcomes, which are collectively aimed at achieving the organization’s mission.
CLC started this work in 2012 as a means to understand the organization’s impact on individuals and in the community, and to inform areas for growth and improvement. In the first phase of the work, a program evaluation rubric was designed and instituted across all programs. In the second phase, the organization’s impact on the community was explored.
How it works
CLC uses a retrospective pre-test (RPT) built around these four pillars to evaluate the impact of its programs. Participants rate their knowledge, attitude, and skills at the end of their program compared to before the program across a series of learning indicators. The charts within each accordion below indicate the percentage of participants who agreed or strongly agreed with specific outcome-related indicators before the program (pastel bars) and after the program (dark color bars). Last year, all programs showed increases across all indicators.
- Civic understanding
I know about Cleveland’s civic assets, issues, and stakeholders.
“I was introduced to aspects of Cleveland’s history that I’ve never known and it certainly gave me a new lens and new thoughts about the city.”
Civic Leadership Institute 2023 participant
- Relationship building
I have access to opportunities to form relationships with people from a variety of backgrounds.
“We have an authentic opportunity to build meaningful relationships, all while growing as people and helping our city!”
Cleveland Bridge Builders 2023 participant - Collaborative leadership
I am open to new strategies for approaching civic issues.
“Leadership takes mindfulness, patience innovation and action to collaborate with others.”
Leadership Cleveland 2023 participant - Civic readiness
I know how to find community engagement opportunities that are relevant to my interests and abilities.
“I feel significantly more inspired to get involved in the community and also feel I have a much better understanding of how to do that.”
Campus Cleveland 2023 participant
Our impact
In addition to the immediate effects CLC programs have on participants, CLC has also investigated the long-term learning and behaviors resulting from participation in CLC programs. This was done by examining current alumni involvement and behaviors in their professional organizations and in their community involvement to determine if they intersect with the four guiding framework outcomes. This exploration also defined the lasting impact CLC programming has on participants, organizations and the community and provided insight into long-term behavioral effects of alumni in the community.
Below is a brief (1:05 minute) video highlighting some of the findings. You can also read the full report.