Get Connected
CLC Connect
CLC Connect is an interactive hub where you can:
- Have conversations with your classmates and other CLC alumni.
- Find/post community engagement opportunities.
- Keep up to date on alumni events and news.
- Access the Member Directory of all CLC alumni from any program.
- Post and/or search for career opportunities.
Alumni Resource Circles
Alumni Resource Circles (ARCs) are voluntary, small groups of alumni (from any program) who come together and connect through a shared interest. Alumni are eligible to join one or more ARCs and there is no cost to join. As the result of an alumni interest survey, the following ARCs were created:
- AI in the Workplace & Beyond
- Career Pivots
- Caring for Aging Relatives
- Civic Volunteering
- Expanding Your Social Circle
- Leaders in Transition
- New(ish) to Cleveland
- Nonprofit Leaders
- Working Parents
Why join an ARC?
Having a CLC alumni network of trusted individuals with a shared experience creates opportunities for increased relationship development. In a world where everyone is working toward ideal work/life integration, connecting with others from different organizations and sectors can provide much needed support. Relationships are the foundation of all forward progress, and that doesn’t end at Commencement. You can discover more about yourself and those around you through these casual meet ups throughout the year.
CLC alumni can opt in to the ARC of your choice by completing the Google Form.
How ARCs work
Each ARC establishes its own meeting schedule and meeting location. An ARC leader (self-selected) will serve as the communication liaison for the group. If there is a fee associated with the meeting, all members will be responsible for covering their own expenses.
The CLC team will initially organize groups and connect interested alumni with one another, and will be available as a resource if an ARC has a need CLC can assist with (introductions to other CLC alumni, recommendations for activities or meeting places, etc.). Feel free to extend an invitation to any CLC staff you think could be helpful during one of your ARC meetings.
CLC session rules apply. ARCs are created to be safe spaces that foster trust and respect. As a group, you can decide on your own ARC commitments, remembering that what personal stories are shared with the group should remain with the group.
Want to connect over a topic not listed above? New ARCs can always be added. Contact Angela O’Donnell (216-965-9640).