Leadership Council members recognized
The Cleveland Leadership Center Board of Trustees elected William “Bill” Caster, SVP and Managing Director of Fifth Third Private Bank, to Chair the Board of Trustees at its annual meeting on June 28, 2022.
The meeting also welcomed new members to the Board and to the CLC Leadership Council and thanked outgoing leaders for their service. The meeting was held at the Center for Health Affairs in downtown Cleveland.
Caster, an alum of the Leadership Cleveland Class of 2010, succeeds Richard “Rick” Fedorovich (LC 2015), CPA, Executive Chairman of Bober Markey Fedorovich, who completed his two-year term. Caster has over 30 years of experience in financial services. He has chaired the Board of Great Lakes Theater and serves on the Board of Vocational Guidance Services.
“I look forward to building on the strong foundation the Leadership Center has in inspiring and connecting leaders to transform Cleveland,” Caster said. “We’ve all seen how important leadership is in moving us forward in good times and challenging ones, and in making life better for everyone.”
In addition to Caster, CLC officers will be Kip Bollin (LC 2020) and Angela McDonald-Fisher (LC 2022), Vice Chairs; Lisa Kunkle (LC 2014), Secretary; and Robin Davenport (LC2 2014,LC 2013), Treasurer.
New Board members are:
• India Birdsong (LC 2022), General Manager & CEO of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
• Gregg Muresan (LC 2022), Cleveland Office Managing Partner, Midwest Private Team Leader, PwC
• Nigamanth Sridhar (LC2 2020, LC 2019), Interim Provost & SVP of Academic Affairs, Cleveland State University
• Felton Thomas Jr. (LC 2010), Executive Director & CEO, Cleveland Public Library
Members leaving the Board are Mike Benz (LL, ALI 2018, LC 1995), and Ed Stockhausen (CBB 2019).
McDonald-Fisher, outgoing Chair of CLC’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement Committee, highlighted promising diversity trends across all of CLC’s programs. For example, half of all presenters at the Accelerate: Citizens Make Change civic pitch program this year are BIPOC.
The incoming classes of Leadership Cleveland, Cleveland Bridge Builders, and OnBoard Cleveland have the highest BIPOC participant percentages in a decade, ranging from 29% to 37%. BIPOC membership on CLC’s Board has risen from 15% in 2018 to 27% this year.
Drew Stelzer (CBB 2021, OBC 2019), Chair of the CLC Leadership Council, provided an update of the advisory group’s work to recruit CLC program participants, reach out to CLC alumni including next-generation program alumni, and engage in leadership training and community service. For example, more than 160 people registered for two virtual open houses the Council presented to explain CLC’s programs and encourage applications.
New Council members were welcomed: Vince Cushman (CLI 2018), Alexandria Halmbacher (CBB 2022), Laura Hnat (CLI 2016), Ivor Kiwi (CBB 2016), Renee Ligon (LC2 2021, LC 2020), William Parker (ALI 2022), Judge Nancy Russo (ALI 2020, LC 2000), Sam Steinhouse (LC2 2011, LC 2009), Missy Toms (CBB 2008), Brittany Wampler (ALI 2021), and Mitch Wasserman (CLI 2010).
Outgoing members of the Leadership Council were thanked for their service: Myles Abbott (CLI 2016), Anne-Marie Connors (CLI 2017), Rachel Jeavons (OBC 2020), Joy Johnson (LC 2021, CBB 2015), LaVerne Peakes (CBB 2019), Tim Porter (CLI 2016), and Angela Zellner (OBC 2019).
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About the Cleveland Leadership Center (CLC)
The Cleveland Leadership Center’s mission is to build a continuum of civic leaders committed to our community’s excellence by serving as a catalyst for civic engagement. CLC provides leadership and community engagement opportunities across a wide spectrum of life and career stages to inspire, connect, and challenge individuals to make a positive community impact. www.cleveleads.org
Media contact
Michael E. Bennett, Vice President of External Affairs
Work: (216) 591-2426, Cell: (216) 408-3874, mbennett@cleveleads.org