A short, digestible list of resources to guide you on your journey of understanding racism and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. A new list is published every month.
- EVENT: No Ceiling | A Celebration of Heritage, Cleveland Public Library
- EVENT: Racism as a public health crisis: the vision and the progress, Cleveland Leadership Center
- ARTICLE: The myth of health inequities: changing the narrative around racism in health, Bridget Balch, American Association of Medical Colleges
- VIDEO: Let’s get to the root of racial injustice, Megan Ming Francis, TEDxRainier
- ARTICLE: How Structural Racism Works — Racist Policies as a Root Cause of U.S. Racial Health Inequities, Zinzi D. Bailey, Sc.D., M.S.P.H., Justin M. Feldman, Sc.D., and Mary T. Bassett, M.D., M.P.H., New England Journal of Medicine
If you have resources you’d like to see featured, please email them to Michelle Kane.