Queens Banquet
Jacci Hammer
2019 Presenter
Economic & Workforce Development category
Presented in partnership with:
October 11, 2019
Jacci is equipping women who have been stuck – many with PTSD issues and anxiety – with the resources to “Step Up” through the arts. She has teamed up with T’Neisha Coates – wife of 2018 Accelerate winner, Tory Coates – who was doing similar work. Jacci is currently working with Ingenuity Cleveland, doing creative projects to assist young gifted, but challenged, creative women (and some men!) supported the Cleveland Photo Fest with photos from a project that she directed and curated.
By creating a secure, supported, and loving, creative environment, and helping them launch their own projects, they are coming into an impact position in the city. Jacci shared, “These incredible women in the photographs, are emerging into brilliant forces.” Two of them, Meg and Fern, are leaders in the local (original music) music industry.
Jacci is also doing a puppet performance piece for Slavic Village youngsters at Boys and Girls Club, University Settlement, Cleveland Public Library and others.